Wednesday, May 30, 2012

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Morning Star has actually long been secretly bought clothing, hats, and even want a good reason to go out today, early in the parents' and pave the way, just to smooth out of the house if mlb did not come, she will be very disappointed.
Casually stroll down for lunch yet? If you did not eat the first to go for lunch. mlb nodded his head, stretched out his right hand arms. on Yanxing Chen Yan Xingchen gently hammer the mlb look around secretly looked near her home, she does not dare too close action, the old folks old neighbor but spare no effort to pass from the gossip, he said her mother, also belong to a Yanxing Chen this time to go home,authentic mlb jerseys, ears filled with the gossip of the neighbors, she may not want to be one of them.
mlb and Yan Xingchen thief as slip on a taxi, two people in the car naturally handle pull up and pinch tightly, all the Acacia all in one.
mlb be Yanxing Chen burst of good pinch Ah Oh the sound, the two people to the XX restaurants called a box, good to eat a meal, during natural untold sweet smile and frolic has not stopped because Today is a special day, Yan Xingchen unpleasant blame mlb spend money.
Rub are oil. But in the eyes of Yanxing Chen, it is still not clean enough.
This is the first time the identity of the couple in a closed place to eat, two people are feeling very fresh, and after the emergence of such intimate actions, separate ten days a little strangeness in this meal completely dissipated.
Afternoon, the real M1b followed by living in this city ten years Yanxing Chen shopping around, although Yan Xingchen do not dare and mlb holding hands four shopping, but the exchanges between the eyes, let them as holding hands, the two people's emotions very high, and people passing through from their side always surprised these two ugly ugly actually looks faster than the other pairs of pairs couple