Tuesday, September 4, 2012

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My palm slipping through your fingers.
Dip tert did not say anything, just looked at me curiously him at the moment my heart also find it very strange, in fact, took when he was the severity of their illnesses to tell his children, and they were very excited, desperately asking him to go to the hospital treatment, it is not to go abroad, he is a tendon that not not go, at the moment he came to Hong Kong as far away as the children of foreign, but he still bite quasi no longer prepared to treat, but do not know why feeling this is not the blood of their loved ones lad he cared so much about, although they have a mentoring edge, but Mr Cheung Chi Yan still give him a shock, I do not know why he felt that people are willing to believe that the child has a feeling , he had a short-lived illusion, he seemed to see a ray of hope.
Hospital is the authority of the cancer, I introduce you to go to that hospital, where you can get a better treatment. The treatment approach is also unable to save his life. is insurmountable.
said, as long as the stick tert willing to go to the United States for treatment, you want me to do what can. fact, I know there is a wish, a legendary wish-saving the dip tert life is a legend, without him there would be no rise of Cantonese pop music, regardless of he had done wrong, but his contribution to the Hong Kong entertainment industry is obvious. dip tert itself is also a philanthropist, in his most difficult times, is also funding a difficult child, although he can not be regarded as a great man , but definitely a good man, to save a good man than to save one hundred useless contribution to society.
Your boy, so I do not know why you moved, I think you're a little like me, as long as that is, no matter how people say that you will keep going, which is what I most admire your things., I know, so be it, I go to the United States,nfl jerseys cheap, you have to tell me where hospitals. First hastened to say this,wholesale nba jerseys, stick tert, you're too tired, looked very sluggish in the spirit of the whole person. First, let me give you a massage, dredge and clear the meridians. Hold this position for so long, should be tired! .

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